Cheri Tu Will Make You Fall in Love With Lemon & Poppy Seeds

There are some foods that simply bring the best out of each other, and that’s certainly the case with lemon and poppy seeds. They’re often used in desserts together because they’re a match made in heaven. If you still haven’t tried making any sweet treats with lemon and poppy seeds, head to Cheri Tu’s food blog Thriving on Plants for some inspiration.

Vanilla Lemon Poppyseed Pancakes

You can add pretty much anything to your pancakes if you’re creative enough, and lemon juice and poppy seeds are no exception. This small addition will take your pancakes to a whole new level and make them even tastier and more refreshing.

Lemon Poppyseed Waffle

After making pancakes with lemon juice and poppy seeds, it’s time to give another brunch essential a try. Tu’s waffles are as soft and fluffy as it gets, and the hint of lemon and poppy seeds will make them even more delicious.

Lemon Poppyseed Muffins

If muffins happen to be one of your favorite sweet treats, you should try this tasty recipe ASAP. These muffins are incredibly light and fluffy, and they’ll win you over their subtle texture and zesty hints of lemon.