It’s CherryPicking Season: 5 Cherry Facts You Need to Know

Photo by Ashleigh Shea on Unsplash

It’s cherry picking season, which means it’s the perfect time to learn all about this luscious fruit. Other than being incredibly delicious, cherries are also full of surprises—from their bountiful harvest to their ancient roots, here are five facts you should know.

Cherry Overload

Did you know that the average cherry tree can yield a whopping 7,000 cherries? That’s enough to bake about 30 pies, ensuring there’s plenty of cherry yumminess to go around.

Nutritional Benefits

Other than being packed with potassium, vitamin C, and fiber, cherries are also rich in polyphenol antioxidants like anthocyanin and quercetin. These promote heart health and offer various other antioxidant benefits.

Vast Variety

With over 1,000 varieties, cherries come in all shapes and sizes. However, only a select few—less than 10—are commercially grown. From Lamber to Rainier, some of the popular varieties are sweet and others are tart.

Cherries Through the Ages

Originating in Turkey and southwest Asia, cherry trees have a rich history that dates back centuries. They were cultivated as early as 72 BC in ancient Rome, and some trees in Japan are still thriving after over 1,000 years.

Maraschino Magic

Did you know that maraschino cherries are actually pickled? These delicious sundae toppers undergo a transformation in saltwater before being bathed in that signature sugary syrup.