Tips for Making the Best Challah Bread

Image by svetlanabar from Pixabay

Challah, a type of braided bread traditionally made by Jewish people in honor of the Sabbath (Shabbat), is absolutely delicious. Regardless of the day of the week or your religion, it’s a great idea to try to make it yourself. To help you out, here are some tips you can follow to achieve the best challah results.

Take Your Time

The more time you give your challah dough to rise, the better, so go ahead and expect the challah baking process to take a while. Instead of setting a timer for three hours of rising time, go ahead and forget the dough and go about your day. Go to work, go to sleep. Make sure you wait until the dough rises past the top of the bowl.

Double the Egg Wash

Egg wash is important to give your challah that shiny, golden brown color that just makes it so beautiful and appetizing. Our tip is to do it twice, once when the challah just has been braided, and another lighter round right before you bake it.

Knowing When It’s Done

You can know your challah is fully baked and ready by flicking the bottom of the loaf in several places. You’ll know it’s done if it feels light in weight and sounds hollow across the entire bottom of the loaf.