Tips for Making Delicious and Healthy Grilled Cheese

Healthy grilled cheese
Photo by Asnim Ansari on Unsplash

There’s something truly irresistible about grilled cheese, and a lot of people can’t imagine a day without it. The only downside of this breakfast essential is its high fat and calorie content, but you can keep it under control and make sure your grilled cheese is healthy with these useful tips.

Right Bread

Your grilled cheese will be as healthy as the bread you’re using. That’s why you should always opt for whole-grain varieties, and try avoiding white bread.

Right Cheese

The cheese you’re using also can play an important role in making your grilled cheese unhealthy. Replace mild cheeses with the varieties known for their sharp flavor. Cheddar, parmesan, and hard goat cheese are good options because their taste makes it possible to reduce the amount.

No Butter

If you can’t imagine making grilled cheese without butter, give it a try. You’ll come to learn this ingredient is completely unnecessary and that your grilled cheese will still be rich and crispy without it.

Right Toppings

Some people enjoy adding extra toppings to their grilled cheese. If you happen to be one of them, don’t go overboard and try sticking to veggies and similar healthy choices.