These 3 Sandwiches Are Healthy And Easy To Make

Tuna Sandwich
Photo by Aigars Peda on Unsplash

Eating healthily is a lot easier said than done. It’s all well and good to say that we’re going to alter our dieting habits, and another thing to actually do it.

Distractions and peer pressure can suck you into bad routines, but sometimes having a meal that’s healthy and easy to make can help. Sandwiches are especially practical, but not always the healthiest choice. Here are three healthy ones to go with.

Egg Salad Sandwich

Eggs might be getting more expensive these days, but they’re generally pretty cheap overall. If you’re someone who doesn’t mind hard-boiling them, making egg salad is pretty darn easy to do. Throw that mixture onto two slices of rye, and you’ll have yourself a delicious, protein-rich sandwich.

Tuna Sandwich

Tuna is even easier than egg salad to prepare, and you can buy it in bulk. It also happens to be pretty darn healthy for you, making it an excellent add-in to your diet. Once you master your seasonings, tuna can be a seriously tasty thing to eat, and you might get addicted!

Chicken Breast Sandwich

A chicken breast sandwich is arguably the healthiest thing on this list, because the previous two generally include added mayonnaise along with other seasonings. In the case of chicken breast, it’s usually pretty straightforward. It’s a tad more expensive, but it’s worth it if you don’t buy too much of it.