How To Know If An Avocado Is Ripe For Eating

Avocado tips
Photo by Gil Ndjouwou on Unsplash

Avocados are one of the most popular foods on the market these days that you can eat. They’re great for salads, toasts, and spreads as well (if you feel like mashing them up and making some guacamole). But then again, it’s not always easy to know when an avocado is ripe for eating. Here’s the best way to do it.

The Firmness Test

When you’re out shopping for an avocado at a supermarket, you must hold it and assess with your hand how firm it is. If you get the feeling like you won’t be able to mash it up easily once you cut into it, you can usually be sure that it’s not ready for eating. But if you’re feeling a little bit of “give”, then you’re good to go

Not Too Mushy

However, it’s crucial to make sure it’s not too mushy. There are situations in which avocados are a little too ripe, if you catch our drift. If the avocado seems too mushy, stay away from it, because it might have gotten bad. But don’t get stressed if you’re unable to find the right one. If you look long and hard enough, you’ll eventually find the perfect avocado for you!