Here’s How to Tell if Strawberries are Ripe and Fresh

Have you ever been to your grocery store or local market and been faced with the time-old strawberry dilemma? While these red berries might always seem like a great option to pick up, it isn’t rare to be disappointed as they turn rotten and inedible after just a short amount of time.

So, how can you ensure that strawberries are ripe, fresh, and good for eating? Follow these instructions, and you won’t be met with this disappointment.

Bright Red Color

Strawberries should not be partially green (meaning that they aren’t ripe) or a dull red (meaning that they’re on the edge of spoiling). Look for bright red strawberries that look to be completely healthy and fresh when buying this fruit.

Fresh Green Leaves

One major clue of strawberries that are near the end of their useful life is a brown or yellow leaf. These leaves at the top of the berry should appear to be fresh, green, and healthy, meaning that the strawberry isn’t close to going bad.

No Signs of Mold

Here’s an important tip that everyone should follow when buying strawberries: look at the bottoms of the fruit! Often, strawberries look nice and red on top, but are concealing mold or fungus on the bottom of them where they’ve gotten wet. Be sure to look all over the berry for mold before buying.