3 Amazing Health Benefits of Kiwi Seeds

Photo by Dan Bucko on Unsplash

Kiwis wouldn’t be the same without their tiny black seeds, but a lot of people find them annoying because they can get stuck in your teeth and aren’t so easy to digest. If you happen to be one of them, you’ll change the way you feel about kiwi seeds after learning how healthy they can be.

Omega 3-Fats

If you’re looking for a way to consume more omega-3-fats in a natural way, kiwi seeds will get you there. Like kiwifruit itself, kiwi seeds contain a healthy ratio of omega-3 fats. However, they shouldn’t be your main source of these healthy fats because they don’t provide a substantial amount.


Kiwis are a good source of fiber, and a small portion of that fiber comes from kiwi seeds. Fiber is crucial in helping you contain a healthy weight because you’ll feel full for longer after eating it, and it can help you lower your cholesterol and combat heart disease.

Protein and Antioxidants

A small amount of protein and antioxidants can also be found in those tiny black seeds. Antioxidants in kiwi seeds mostly come from vitamin E, while protein provides your body with the amino acids necessary for good health.