This Lemonade Recipe Is Refreshing And Delicious

Photo by Charity Beth Long on Unsplash

Is there any drink that’s more refreshing that a cool, sweet glass of lemonade? Okay, there are plenty of other refreshing drinks out there, but lemonade is pretty darn incredible. However, we’ve taken lemonade for granted over the years by constantly buying it at the store. As tasty as it is, nothing beats a lemonade when it’s homemade and prepared with love. And when it comes to this recipe, it’s healthier than the store-brought kind as well. So let’s dive it to this quick and easy lemonade recipe.

Lemons, Lemons, Lemons

As with all juices, the more concentrated it is, the better it’ll be. This way, you can ensure that your recipe is better than anything you’ll buy at the store. Grab at least 12-14 lemons and squeeze them into a pitcher. Add 1/2 cup of actual lemon juice.

Sugar, Water, and Ice

It’s really pretty simple after that. Fill the rest of the pitcher up with water, and then add sugar water to taste (to make sugar water, add sugar to taste to 1/4 cup of boiling water so that the sugar can dissolve). Now fill the rest of the pitcher with ice and you’re good to go!