These Frankenstein Cakes are a Great Addition to Any Party

As we move into the Halloween season, we’re going to need some new fun and spooky recipes that we can try out for parties with friends and family. These Frankenstein style cakes will be great fun for both child and adult parties. Let’s take a look at how they’re made.

Step 1: Make Frosting

First, you need to make the green frosting. In a large mixing bowl, use an electric whisk to beat butter until smooth. Add cream cheese, sugar, salt, and beat on a low speed until fully combined. If it doesn’t spread, keep adding 1/2 tablespoon of double cream until it does.

Step 2: Frost the Cake

Next, take a rectangular cinnamon swirl cake and spread the green frosting lightly all over the front and sides. If it’s too thick in places, smooth it out until it’s even and use a spatula to clean up the edges.

Step 3: Add Hair, Scars, and Bolts

While the frosting is still sticky, pour chocolate flakes onto the top of the cake to simulate the monster’s hair. Make sure the chocolate is stuck onto it. Push in two small cookies as eyes. Next, tint 1/4 cup of frosting black and pipe it onto the cake to make scars, eyebrows, pupils, and the mouth. Gently press licorice sticks into the side of the cake for bolts.