The Weirdest and Coolest Restaurants Around The World

Themed restaurants are becoming increasingly popular around the world, but these restaurants are so quirky and different from everything else that they’re actually downright strange. So without further ado, here are some of the weirdest restaurants in the world!

Modern Toilet

This unusual restaurant in Taipei, Taiwan is basically one giant toilet. Walls are covered with tiles and you’ll sit on a seat shaped like a toilet bowl—but they say that the food is fantastic.

Ithaa Undersea Restaurant

Rangali Island in the Maldives is home to the first undersea restaurant in the world—Ithaa Undersea Restaurant. Here you can eat your favorite meals with a spectacular underwater view.

Dinner in the Sky

If you want to enjoy your favorite meals up in the air, you can totally do that too. Dinner in the sky restaurants can be found all around the world, and you can see in this video how surreal such an experience might be!

Robot Restaurant

This Tokyo-based restaurant offers a unique atmosphere and is more about the experience than the food. If you like robots, loud music, and dancing, give this weird restaurant a chance on your next visit to Japan.