Learn the Truth Behind the Most Common Myths About Honey

Honey myths
Photo by Arwin Neil Baichoo on Unsplash

Honey is nature’s sweet super-food with more health benefits than we can count, but there are many not-so-sweet misconceptions about it that people believe to be true. It’s time to debunk some of the most common myths about honey that have been around for centuries.

Spoiled Honey

If you think that your honey went bad because it’s crystallized, think again. Your honey won’t go bad if stored properly in a sealed container where it can’t trap moisture. Crystallized honey simply has a different texture and you can bring it back to its runny state by giving it a warm water bath.

Heated Honey

This brings us to the second common myth about honey: that it can be poisonous when heated up. Natural honey doesn’t contain any poisons and toxins, so it won’t emit them when heated. You can safely add it to your tea and baked goods, but keep in mind it won’t be as healthy this way because it will lose its antibacterial properties.

Metal Spoons

Honey is often eaten with special wooden spoons and honey dippers because it’s widely believed that it’s destructive to the metal due to its acidity. This is just a myth, and you can freely scoop honey with metal spoons because it takes a lot of time for them to become corrosive after coming in contact with honey.