Fish That’s Good For You and the Environment

The American Heart Association recommends eating fish twice a week for a reason! It’s high in protein and rich in heart-healthy omega-3 fatty acids. Here are a few superstar fishes that aren’t only nutritious, but eco-friendly and often responsibly farmed as well.

Wild-Caught Alaskan Salmon

Although farm raised salmon has its health benefits, it can be lower in nutrients and minerals. Wild caught salmon fishing is extremely well managed, ensuring sustainable and clean fishery.


These tiny fish are one of the very few foods in the world that are naturally high in Vitamin D. They are inexpensive and pack 33% of your daily calcium requirement in just one serving. They add delicious, salty flavor to pasta or salads.

Arctic Char

This distant relative of salmon has a rich, fatty flavor. Pan searing is a popular cooking method. It’s extremely high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Pacific Halibut

Pacific Halibut is great for your health and the environment. Its fishing technique includes “longline fishing,” meaning one fishing line is used instead of using harmful nets. Its rich in micronutrients including selenium and phosphorus.