3 Great Ways to Use Lemon Peels in the Kitchen

Lemon peels might seem like an object in your kitchen that is destined to head straight to the compost pile or the trash and without being used. However, it’s actually completely possible to use these seemingly pointless objects in a number of ways!

Here are some great ways to take advantage of lemon peels in your kitchen.

Make Candied Lemon Peels

Citrus peels might seem bitter and inedible at first glance, but that’s only if you don’t know what to do with them. If you make them in an oven to dehydrate them and coat them with sugar, they turn into this delicious sweet treat.


Use Them as a Natural Cleaner

Lemons have natural antibacterial properties and give off a great scent that’s able to overcome any terrible odor that might be hanging around in your kitchen. Use them directly to clean stains or soak them in a water-based solution to keep your kitchen fresh and clean.

Make Your Own Homemade Lemon Pepper

Most of us probably buy our lemon pepper in a container from the store, but if you know how to utilize lemon peels, you can make this delicious treat at your home. Dehydrated pieces of lemon peel can be added to black peppercorns and ground up to make a homemade version of this spice blend.