Ways to Make Your Coffee Healthier

Making a healthy coffee
Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

There are plenty of ways to make your morning cup of coffee healthier. It’s not just about reducing the amount of sugar you add to coffee or avoiding coffee creamers. There are actually a handful of other super healthy ingredients you can add to coffee to make it healthier and more delicious.

Vanilla Extract

Instead of reaching for coffee creamers that contain all of that added sugar and fat, try adding just a few drops of vanilla extract instead. Apart from the fact that it smells wonderful and is very tasty, vanilla extract has many health benefits and it can improve brain health and reduce stress among other things.



You probably already know that ginger is super healthy and adding just a few slices of this powerful ingredient to your morning cup of coffee can reduce inflammation and pain, boost your heart health and immune system.



Raw cacao powder is a powerful ingredient with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties that will also sweeten up your cup of coffee and make it more delicious.



Sprinkle your morning cup of coffee with a few sprinkles of cinnamon to reap the benefits of this tropical spice and enjoy its wonderful flavor.
