Vegan YouTubers to Check Out

Screenshot via Pick Up Limes/YouTube

If you’re a plant-based eater on the look-out for vegans online to help give you ideas for what to eat as well as general lifestyle content, you may be interested in checking out some of these amazing vegan YouTubers.

Pick Up Limes

Pick Up Limes is a YouTube channel run by a woman named Sadia who creates videos about nutrition, wellness, minimalism, and travel. It’s a great choice if you’re a new vegan or simply considering veganism but haven’t actually committed to it yet, as Sadia takes a very gentle and accessible approach.

Cheap Lazy Vegan

Whether you’re a vegan, a vegetarian, or simply interested in a more sustainable and ethical lifestyle, Rose from Cheap Lazy Vegan can help teach you how to live a vegan lifestyle even if you don’t have a lot of extra time or money to spend.

The Vegan Zombie

If you like your vegan content with a little bit of an edgy twist, you’ll love Chris from The Vegan Zombie who creates a fun weekly vegan cooking show set in the zombie apocalypse. It’s equal doses horror, veganism, and roleplay. And if that’s not enough, he also posts videos about travel, lifestyle, shopping on a budget, and reviews while he’s at it.