Stefani Pollack is Instagram’s Cupcake Queen

Instagram is overflowing with amazing food bloggers who are constantly sharing delicious cupcake recipes with the world, but none of them compares to Stefani Pollack. Her food blog Cupcake Project is a true sensation, especially among fans of this tasty dessert. If cupcakes happen to be your all-time favorite, here are some of Pollack’s amazing recipes that will rock your world.

Strawberry Cupcakes

Strawberry cupcakes are a timeless classic and if you still haven’t mastered the art of making them, Pollack’s recipe is just the thing you need.

Lemon Cupcakes

Speaking of cupcake flavors that are never going out of style, lemon is the best possible choice if you want to keep your cupcakes on the light and healthy side.

Churro Cupcakes

If you like churros and cupcakes in equal measure, this recipe will be your cup of tea. It’s the best of both worlds and comes with tones of cinnamon—everywhere from the batter to its mouth-watering frosting.

Blueberry Cupcakes

Blueberry cupcakes are one of the most popular varieties on the market and it’s not difficult to see why. They’re perfectly moist, sweet, and refreshing, and Pollack will make you fall in love with them all over again.