So You Want to Drink Matcha? Try These Brands

So you want to delve into the world of matcha? Matcha, a powdered form of green tea, has gained popularity for its unique taste and potential health benefits. But not all matcha is created equal. When choosing a brand, it’s crucial to opt for ceremonial grade matcha for the most authentic and enjoyable experience. Two brands that stand out in the market are Chamberlin Coffee and Wilderness Poets.

Ceremonial grade matcha is made from the highest quality tea leaves, carefully shade-grown, and stone-ground to create a vibrant green powder. This grade of matcha offers a rich, smooth taste and a delicate balance of flavors.

Chamberlin Coffee

Chamberlin Coffee is renowned for its exceptional matcha offerings. Their ceremonial grade matcha is sourced from Japan, ensuring the highest quality and authenticity. With its vibrant green color and smooth, umami flavor, Chamberlin Coffee’s matcha is perfect for traditional tea ceremonies or everyday enjoyment.

Wilderness Poets

Wilderness Poets is another brand that excels in providing premium ceremonial-grade matcha. Their matcha is carefully sourced from Japan and undergoes rigorous quality control to ensure the best taste and color. Wilderness Poets’ matcha offers a perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness, making it a delightful choice for matcha enthusiasts.

When selecting a brand for your matcha journey, prioritize ceremonial grade to experience the full depth of flavor and enjoy the potential health benefits. Whether you choose Chamberlin Coffee or Wilderness Poets, these brands offer top-quality matcha that will elevate your matcha-drinking experience.