How French Press Coffee is Different From Drip Coffee

Coffee pot and cup next to a plant
Photo by Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Every coffee enthusiast has a preferred brewing method. If you’re torn between the traditional French press and the convenient drip coffee maker, you’re not alone. Both methods have their unique charms and benefits so let’s break down the differences.

French Press is Hands-On

The French press is a hands-on approach to brewing. It uses a cylindrical pot with a plunger and a built-in filter screen that presses hot water through ground coffee. This method allows the coffee to steep directly in the boiling water for several minutes, which results in a robust and richly flavored brew. The key characteristic of French press coffee is that it retains more of the coffee’s natural oils and fine particles. This gives it a thicker and fuller body with a noticeable amount of sediment.

Drip Coffee is Automated

Drip coffee machines, on the other hand, provide a more automated brewing experience. Water is heated and then dripped over coffee grounds contained in a filter. As water passes through the grounds, it extracts flavors and aromas. However, the paper or metal filter traps most of the coffee’s oils and finer particles, producing a cleaner and lighter brew. This method is favored for its convenience and consistency, delivering a smoother cup that is generally easier to drink with less residue.