Signs You’re Eating Too Fast?

Photo by Marcel Heil on Unsplash

Many of us eat too fast, and because of that, end up eating too much. There are other outcomes to speedy eating, some more immediate and might help us realize that we should probably slow down.


This is the most benign sign of fast eating and can probably help you catch yourself speeding up before anything else starts happening. If you notice you are just very full after every meal, despite eating a reasonable amount, this is your first sign.

Gas and Burping

As a result of extra air coming into your stomach, being swallowed when eating very quickly, you may feel gassy. The air remains in the digestive tract and the body has to get rid of it.


This is another result of the air getting caught in your system. Same as the feeling of discomfort, this can also mean you ate too much, but if the portions are not large, consider slowing down.

Acid Reflux

This is an outcome that happens, among other reasons, when you regularly shovel in the food very quickly. Very unpleasant and best to avoid.


Often paired with acid reflux, heartburn has many different reasons and is generally a terrible burning and pressure sensation in the chest. Both are caused by stomach acids and can be triggered by eating too fast.

What to do?

Slow down. Chew your food well and try drinking water with your meals, give yourself enough time for every meal, and mix pleasant conversation so that you take breaks between bites.