Recipes That Give You Lot of Leeway

Photo by Christian Coquet on Unsplash

Cooking is very dynamic in that not every recipe requires the same kind of discipline as others. Baking, for instance, is very strict when it comes to measurements and ingredients, because even the smallest inaccuracy can lead to abysmal results. But there are some recipes which allow a lot more slack, and here are some of our favorites.


There’s a reason that eggs are the perfect gateway for beginner cooks. They can be incredibly easy to make, and yet there are a million different ways you can prepare them and improve them along the way. You can make a mistake or two and still have eggs that taste delicious.


Stew has a ton of leeway. In fact, the very nature of a stew is all about encouraging the cook to throw in whatever they happen to have lying around (although that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t at least try to make it good). Stew is food for all kinds of people, which is why it “accepts” all kinds of different ingredients.


Yes, there are plenty of ways to screw up a pizza. However, there’s a pretty large margin for error, and plenty of room to exercise your quirkiness. As long as you’ve got some kind of bread, tomato sauce, cheese, and a way to heat it up, you can then toss whatever ingredients you love and you’re good to go!