Minako Umehara’s Tarts Are a Plant-Based Delight

Tarts don’t get as much attention as the majority of other desserts, but they definitely deserve it. If you still haven’t fallen in love with them, it’s time you’ve discovered some delicious new recipes, and Minako Umehara’s Instagram page 365 Cleaneats is an amazing source of inspiration.

Banana Caramel Cheesecake Tart

Vegan cheesecakes and tarts are two of Umehara’s specialties, and this dessert combines them into one. You can make it extra delicious with a wide variety of toppings, ranging from whipped cream and bananas, to chocolate chips and caramel.

White Chocolate and Raspberry Tart

If you want to stick to more refreshing and healthier toppings when it comes to your tarts, raspberries are always a good idea especially when paired with white chocolate.

Custard Tarts

Umehara is also a true master when it comes to mini tarts, and these ones are super-delicious. They’ll win you over with their delicious custard cream, made with coconut cream and maple syrup, and figs and strawberries used as a topping.

Raspberry Chia Jam Tart

Umehara can’t resist using raspberries in her tarts, and it’s not difficult to see why. These tarts filled with the homemade raspberry chia jam are as delicious as it gets.