Michaela Vais Will Make You Fall in Love with Vegan Casseroles

If you’re looking for a way to make your casseroles a little bit healthier this winter, making them vegan will do the trick. Michaela Vais of Ela Vegan is here to help you make the most delicious plant-based casseroles on the market, and here are some of her best recipes for this dish.

Green Bean Casserole

Green bean casserole is the ultimate Thanksgiving classic, and it’s one of the first things that comes to mind when someone mentions casseroles. If you still haven’t mastered the recipe for this dish, Vais will help you do it—and make it vegan!

Vegan Potato Casserole

Potatoes make everything better, and they’ll certainly take your casserole to the next level. Vais recommends mixing them up with pumpkin, dried lentils, and vegan cheese to truly make the best of them.

Vegan Sweet Potato Casserole

After learning to cook potato casserole, it’s time to make it even healthier by using sweet potatoes instead. This is one of Vais’ best sweet casseroles and she recommends topping it with chopped pecans and maple syrup.

Broccoli Quinoa Casserole

Broccoli can turn pretty much any dish into a superfood, including your casserole—especially if you add some quinoa to the mix.