Make Your Own Frozen Mirepoix (Onions, Carrots & Celery)

Image by Cindy from Pixabay

Mirepoix is a mix of finely diced onions, carrot and celery that forms the flavor base of many different dishes. Whether you’re making a soup, a sauce, or a stew, chances are, it will begin with this holy trinity of veggies. Why not save yourself a whole lot of future chopping by preparing your Mirepoix in advance and freezing it?

Top Tip: Frozen mirepoix will release more water when cooking than fresh veggies. Simply sauté for a little longer until the water evaporates.


  • White onions
  • Carrots
  • Celery

Stick to a 2:1:1 ratio—you can make as much mirepoix mix as you want, depending on whether you have lots of veggies that need using up and your freezer space.


  1. Chop all ingredients into small dice. You can use a vegetable chopper or food processor for this stage to save time if you have one.
  2. Line some baking trays with parchment paper and spread out your veggies. This is to stop the pieces freezing into clumps. Put them uncovered in the freezer for 2-3 hours until they have frozen.
  3. Store your Mirepoix mix in sealed freezer bags. You can store it in portion-size bags so that you can simply tip the contents into the pan when you’re ready to start cooking. Aim to remove as much air as possible before sealing the bag.
  4. Your handy Mirepoix mix will keep in the freezer for up to 6 months.