Lazy Cat Kitchen Will Make You Fall in Love With Pesto Pasta All Over Again

Pesto is one of the most iconic Italian sauces, and you can use it to take make your pasta truly shine. Ania of Lazy Cat Kitchen enjoys adding some green glory to her pasta with this delicious sauce, and here are some of her very best pesto pasta recipes.

Vegan Wild Garlic Pesto Pasta

Ania gave us one of her signature recipes with her homemade version of vegan wild garlic pesto sauce. Once you master this recipe, the world is your oyster, because you can take pasta and many other dishes to the next level with this homemade sauce.

Green Bean Pesto Pasta

Green beans and pasta are a match made in heaven, especially if you seal the deal with some homemade pesto.

Vegan Pesto Pasta with Kale

Kale is one of the ultimate superfoods, and it will make your pesto pasta truly shine. Ania also added some asparagus, baby zucchini, and green peas to the mix to make this dish extra delicious and healthy.

Broccoli Pesto Pasta

Broccoli can also do wonders for your pesto pasta, and Ania couldn’t resist making it with this healthy veggie. This is one of the most beginner-friendly recipes on her blog and it takes just ten ingredients to make it.