Kale Junkie’s Amazing Recipes Will Make You a Smoothie Master

You don’t have to be a mastermind in the kitchen to make smoothies, but it sometimes takes time to come up with a perfect mix of ingredients. If you want to take a shortcut, head to Nicole Modic’s food blog Kale Junkie for a bunch of healthy and delicious smoothie recipes.

Immune Boosting Smoothie

Looking for a quick immune boost in the form of a smoothie? Try this delicious beverage that you can make by blending oranges, bananas, carrots, manuka honey, and several more immune-boosting ingredients together.

Cinnamon Roll Smoothie

Cinnamon is one of the most common ingredients in Modic’s smoothies. This one tastes like a liquid version of cinnamon rolls, and you can eat it for breakfast, as a snack, or after your workout.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Protein Smoothie

If peanut butter and jelly sandwiches happen to be your favorite breakfast food, how about taking a healthier approach and making smoothies that taste just like them?

Snickerdoodle Tahini Smoothie

Smoothie versions of our favorite desserts and comfort foods are obviously Modic’s specialty. If snickerdoodle cookies used to be your absolute favorite treat growing up, these smoothies made with tahini and cinnamon will be your cup of tea.