Hannah Sunderani’s Tasty Salads are the Summer Refreshment You Need

Hannah Sunderani’s food blog Two Spoons is the gift that keeps on giving. Her vegan recipes are a true delight, and if salads happen to be your favorite healthy treat, here are some delicious ideas that you should try.

Vegan Caesar Salad

Caesar salad is one of the timeless classics when it comes to this healthy meal, and if you’ve never tried making a 100% vegan version of this salad, now’s the time!

Black Bean and Corn Salad

Black beans and corn are two ingredients that truly bring out the best in each other, and this salad will help you discover the magic of mixing them up together.

Lemon Pasta Salad

If pasta salads happen to your favorite take on this tasty dish, you should try making this chickpea pasta salad with the zesty lemon Dijon dressing.

Moroccan Carrot & Chickpea Salad

Made with quinoa, carrots, chickpeas, and dates, this salad is super-crunchy and rich in protein and it owes its delicious taste to the spicy Moroccan dressing.

Strawberry Spinach Salad

If you enjoy salads that include both sweet and savory ingredients, mixing strawberries with spinach, baby cucumbers, and red onions may be the combo that suits your taste.