Enhance Your Baking Skills with Sally McKenney

Quarantine baking became over the past year something of a cliché, but what began as an Instagram trend has become a lasting hobby for many. Data shows that first-time bakers are a significant part of the online baking conversation, with most of the audience between the ages of 18-24. If you’re one of those newly converted bakers, we welcome you to the family with open arms.

But if you’re looking to further your baking knowledge further and make a lasting impression on your guests, it’s time you got acquainted with Sally McKenney. The mastermind behind Sally’s Baking Addiction, McKenney is the author of three best-selling cookbooks, and is also known for her booming Instagram page, which has grown dramatically over the years.

Her online brand offers hundreds of from-scratch recipes, taking a one step at a time approach and teaching her followers the basics of baking (alongside some more sophisticated recipes). Recent posts include Baileys and Coffee Cupcakes, Cinnamon Crunch Bread, and Peanut Butter Blossoms.

According to McKenney, her love affair with cooking began when she was just a child. “From a very young age, I watched my mom and grandma work their baking magic, and once I picked up my first mixing spoon, I was hooked!” she acknowledges on her personal website.

In fact, her brand first came to be because of her great passion for baking. Having launched her website in 2011, it was presented at first as a personal blog and an easy way to share baking recipes with friends and family. A year and a half later, McKenney quit her full-time job. Now, her audience consists of hundreds of thousands of followers. If you too are looking to further enhance your baking skills, you might just get hooked.