Dani Spies’ Salads Are a Delicious and Healthy Delight

Salads are the ultimate healthy dish, and it’s always fun to discover brand-new recipes that will change the way you look at them. Dani Spies shared quite a few on her food blog Clean and Delicious, and here are some of our personal favorites.

Taco Salad Bowls

If you love tacos and salads in equal measure, it’s time to try a dish that combines them into one. That’s the idea behind taco salad bowls, made with brown rice, ground bison, romaine lettuce, cheddar, and chopped tomatoes.

Italian Pasta Salad

Spies is a huge fan of salads that combine two dishes into one, and this Italian pasta salad is truly the best of both worlds.

Mediterranean Chickpea Salad

Chickpeas can truly take your salads to the next level, and Spies decided to mix them up with cucumbers, bell pepper, red onion, olives, avocado, feta, and fresh herbs this time around.

Creamy Red Potato Salad

Potato salad is one of the most filling variations of this dish, and Spies made it extra creamy with some tangy Greek yogurt and mayonnaise dressing.

Rotisserie Chicken Salad

Chicken can also transform your salad into a filling meal, and this one contains everything from chopped rotisserie chicken to creamy dressing and finely chopped veggies.