Carine Claudepierre Will Help You Discover the Magic of Vegan Waffles

Going vegan doesn’t necessarily mean you have to turn your back on all the foods you once used to love – especially if the food in question happens to be waffles. Carine Claudepierre is doing a great job putting a plant-based twist on this beloved dessert, and here are some of the best recipes from her blog The Conscious Plant Kitchen.

Vegan Protein Waffles

If you’re still new to making waffles and want to kick things off with a basic recipe, this is a good place to start. Made with entirely plant-based ingredients, these waffles also happen to be high in protein because vegan vanilla protein powder is one of their main ingredients.

Oat Flour Waffles

Switching up flour is one of the easiest ways to put a healthier twist on a wide range of different baked treats – including waffles. Claudepierre opted for oat flour this time around and made waffles that taste delicious, while also being free from refined sugar, and gluten-free.

Buckwheat Waffles

Speaking of switching up flour to make your waffles truly pop, buckwheat will also get you there. This type of flour is a true nutritional powerhouse and it offers a great natural source of protein.