3 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Eating Canned Soup

Photo by Calle Macarone on Unsplash

Canned soup is a beloved pantry staple many people turn to when looking for a quick and easy meal, but it’s not without its flaws. This ultimate comfort food usually isn’t as healthy as we’d like to believe, and here are three things worth keeping in mind before you reach for a can of soup at a grocery store.

Nutritional Value

Never buy a can of soup before checking its label because you’ll learn everything you need to know this way. The biggest issue with canned soups is their high sodium content, and they can also contain added amounts of preservatives, sugars, and saturated fats.

BPA-Free Cans

BPA can still be found in cans and jars used for packaging food, and you should look for the non-BPA label whenever possible. It’s also a good idea to inspect cans for dents or damage to avoid potential safety risks.

Room For Improvement

Despite all of their flaws, canned soups leave a lot of room for improvement because you don’t have to serve them as they come. Since canned soup usually lacks fresh ingredients, you can always add some veggies to the mix, or experiment with different spices and herbs to make it even more delicious.