3 Crazy Sea Creatures That You Didn’t Know You Could Eat

If you’ve ever been to the beach, you probably know that not all sea creatures are beautiful! In fact, some of the scariest-looking sea creatures on Earth can even be enjoyed as food and are treasured in certain regions!

Here are three crazy sea creatures that you might not have known that you can eat.


That’s right, you can eat shark. Even though it might look terrifying in movies like Jaws, humans have been eating shark for thousands of years. It’s good fried, filleted, or even fermented as it is prepared and considered a delicacy in several Scandinavian countries.


Lamprey, we will admit, look terrifying and unappetizing. Their scary mouths are filled with dozens of tiny, scary teeth that give this creature an inedible look. However, would you believe that it’s a delicacy in countries such as Spain and Portugal, where it is prepared with its own blood and stewed?

Sea Urchins

If you are familiar with Japanese cuisine, you are undoubtedly familiar with the fact that sea urchins can be eaten. These spiny and round animals might look like a children’s toy from a horror movie, but their flesh is a sushi delicacy.