Yukiko Tanzi Will Make You Fall in Love with Matcha All Over Again

Image via foodie.yuki/Instagram

If you’re a huge fan of all things green, you probably can’t resist adding matcha powder to all your desserts. Yukiko Tanzi feels the same way, and here are some of the best matcha-based recipes from the hit Instagram page and food blog Foodie Yuki.

Matcha Crinkle Cookies

If you want to start your baking journey with the basics, crinkle cookies are the way to go, especially since they’ll still look the same if you make a couple of tiny mistakes.

Matcha Vegan Donuts

Are donuts one of your favorite sweet treats and you’re looking for a way to make them a little bit healthier? This plant-based recipe is just the thing for you, and matcha powder is one of its main ingredients.

Matcha and sesame ice cream sandwiches

Ice cream season is just around the corner and it’s never too early to start getting ready. If you can’t wait for the warmer days to come, start preparing for them by mastering this recipe for the delicious matcha ice cream sandwiches.

Matcha Swirl Japanese Milk Bread

Swirly milk bread is somewhat of Tanzi’s specialty, and you can try baking it in the comfort of your home by following her detailed and easy instructions.