You’ll Be Obsessed With These Samoa Truffles

You'll Be Obsessed With These Samoa Truffles
Image via littlebosweets/Instagram

Are you ready to try the delicious samoa truffles? They are super-easy and done in half an hour. It’s exactly what we all need. You can even alter some of the ingredients to make them healthier.


Get the following ingredients to make the samoa truffles:
2 tablespoons milk
2 cups sweetened shredded coconut
10 oz. chocolate candy melts
11 oz store-bought soft caramels
a pinch of salt


Start by putting a skillet over medium-high heat and cook the sweetened coconut for 5 to 7 minutes. You will have to mix it constantly until it gets a slightly brown hue. When you’re done, take the skillet away from the heat.

Grab a pot and fill it with an inch of water. Wait for the water to boil and place a bowl on top of the pot. Fill the bowl with the caramels, salt, and milk. Wait for a while until everything is melted. Mix the liquid often.

When you’re done, you can add the 3/4 of the coconut. You will get the mixture for the samoa truffles now.

Use a baking paper to place your truffles. Before you start shaping them, melt one half of the chocolate. Dip each truffle in the chocolate and decorate them with the remaining coconut.