You Should Give Frozen French Fries a Chance, Here is Why

Frozen fries
Image by Zoli from Pixabay

Sometimes it is not easy to decide between frozen and fresh food. Sure, fresh food is usually the healthier and tastier choice, but frozen is so convenient.

The fresh versus frozen dilemma seems to be particularly tricky with French fries. But it actually shouldn’t be. Frozen French fries can often be even better than the fresh variety. Here is why.


One of the best things about frozen French fries is that you only need to fry them. They are cut to perfection and ready to take the frying oil bath straight out of the bag. No need for peeling potatoes, cutting them, or anything like that.

Easy Storage

You can store the frozen French fries in a freezer and forget about them. Then, when you are in the mood for some fries, they will be there waiting on you. You can also just take the portion you need and leave the rest for another time.


Companies that make frozen French fries often put a lot of effort into getting just the best potatoes for their product. This will ensure that you always get the best variety and perfect results.

They Have the Best Consistency

You might have noticed that the best French fries are those you get in restaurants. This is because chefs usually cook the fries twice, making them crispy on the outside and soft on the inside. Almost nobody has time for that when cooking fries at home, but with frozen French fries, that is not an issue. They are pre-cooked to a certain degree in factories and will result in amazing consistency.