You Can’t Cook With a Cast Iron Skillet Without These Items

Cooking with a cast iron is amazing for your health, and makes your food taste way better. But, if you want to own one, there are some extra things you’ll need to buy for it.


Even though it might seem silly to have a separate sponge that you only use for your cast iron pan, it’s actually really necessary. You don’t want your pan to come into contact with soap from your regular kitchen sponge since it’s porous, so you really do need a separate sponge. Any type of sponge or scrubber will do, but you should steer clear of steel wool because it’s too abrasive and will scrub the seasoning off of your pan.


The type of oil you use to season your cast iron pan is highly debated, and even though some people say you need to have an expensive oil like flaxseed, it’s not necessarily true. However, get yourself a good oil like high-quality olive oil or organic canola oil, but stay away from cheap oils like regular canola or vegetable.

Handle Cover

Since your cast iron pan is one piece of iron, every part of it will get hot, including the handle. To protect yourself from possible burns, buy yourself a little cover for the handle to save yourself the pain.