You Can Use These Veggies to Make Tasty Vegan Steaks

Photo by Lucian Alexe on Unsplash

Steaks are one of those dishes that’s usually associated with meat, but that doesn’t always have to be the case. In addition to having many plant-based meat stakes at their disposal, vegans can also transform some of their favorite vegetables into delicious steaks.


Cauliflower is the most obvious plant-based steak choice because it’s one of the most popular veggies on the vegan scene, and this is only one of many fun ways to consume it.


It’s pretty easy to transform eggplant into a steak because you can simply cut it lengthwise to get a similar shape and grill it until it gets a crispy texture and delicious taste.


Cabbage is another veggie that can take a steak-like shape after you cut your cabbage head into thinner pieces, season them, and roast them in the oven.


Mushrooms are one of the staples of the vegan diet and a popular meat substitute. That’s one of the reasons why they can be baked as steaks, especially if you’re using larger varieties.


If you’re out of ideas for your vegan steaks, how about giving beets a try? They’re one of the healthiest super-foods on the market and it’s extremely easy to transform them into tiny steaks.