You Can Now Get One Big Froot Loop Cereal

Kellogg’s Froot Loops are among the most popular cereals on the market. And it is not hard to see why. These colorful loops are tasty and look great in a bowl of milk. The only minor knock on them is that they might be too small. This is why the art collective MSCHF decided to create a bigger version to satisfy the popular demand.

MSCHF recently presented a version of Froot Loops that comes as just one big loop. Their product is called “Big Fruit Loop “and is described as a “part of an extremely unbalanced breakfast.” According to Food & Wine, the loop weighs around half a pound and clocks in at 930 calories.

Daniel Greenberg, MSCHF’s co-founder, shared that their cereal loop is bigger but doesn’t compromise on the taste. He promises that Big Fruit Loop will taste “almost identical” to the cereal it has inspired.

Unfortunately, Big Fruit Loop won’t come to the grocery stores nearby you anytime soon. Like most MSCHF products, the giant cereal is a limited product. It is available on their official website and at a price of $19.99. The loops come in the colors of the original, but the customers won’t get to pick one. Instead, the MSCHF team will hand them out at random.