You Can Easily Peel Beets by Roasting Them in the Oven

Photo by Nick Collins on Unsplash

Beets might not be everyone’s cup of tea. However, those that like their flavor enjoy them quite much. Although, maybe not quite often because they are really messy to prepare.

Beets have hard skin that is really challenging to peel. Sure, you might get their layer off using a knife or a peeler, but chances are that you’ll end up with red stains all over your hands and kitchen. However, there is a way to avoid it. According to a popular beet peeling hack, roasting beets in an oven before peeling them will make the job incomparably easier. Here is how it works.

Roasting Beets Peel Hack

The hack requires you to first wash off the beets and cut the part of their stem. Make sure not to cut it entirely, leave a few inches, so they don’t bleed in your oven.

Then line them on a baking sheet or simply wrap them individually in a foil. Preheat the oven to 350F, toss in the beets, and leave them in for an hour.

After you take out the beets from the oven, let them chill before cutting the top and the bottom. Then simply push the skin using your fingers from top to bottom. The skin will slide right off and will leave you mess-free. All it’s left to do is for you to enjoy the veggie.