Yes, Water Really is as Healthy as They Say

Person holding glass of water
Photo by engin akyurt on Unsplash

Out of all the foods and drinks on this great planet of ours, water is definitely the most important when it comes to health. Almost to an infuriating degree, nutritionists promote water drinking as the single most meaningful thing you can do to help your body.

The only problem is, this can create a sense of pressure for people who struggle to drink water to begin with. If you’re one of those people, we completely get where you’re coming from. Sometimes water simply doesn’t taste good. Here’s a slightly different perspective that can maybe help you understand the benefits of water.

A Method Of Cleaning

Consider your approach when there’s something dirty that you need to clean. Whether it’s a dish, or a floor, or even your own body—we use water as the primary element to clean these things. Sure, there are other external things involved too, such as soap, but without water the whole thing just wouldn’t work.

Now, think about your internal body in the exact same way. There’s a good chance that your system isn’t the “cleanest”—and doesn’t that mean you’d want to change that? Instead of viewing water as something you NEED to be drinking, view it as a great view to rinse out your system. You’re doing spring cleaning, just on the inside of your body! And water is the key.