Will Anyone Be Eating With Plastic in 50 Years?

Plastic utensils
Photo by Mae Mu on Unsplash

We’re living in an interesting time. Eco-activists have stamped their feet, governments have taken notice (for the most part), and people focusing on making our world a safer, cleaner, and more sustainable place. There is still plenty of work to do, and things certainly aren’t always so black and white, but we think it’s safe to say that society is going in a more eco-friendly direction. This is true from the kind of gas we use (or don’t use) to the kind of silverware we eat with. Plastic is still being used, but not as much as it used to be, which begs the question: will anyone be using plastic in 50 years from now?

A Tricky Question

Now, a century is so long from now that only our great-great-grandchildren will truly know the answer to the question we proposed—but it certainly makes one wonder. Trends in society change so quickly that one can even reason that no one will be using plastic in 25 years time!

Managing Expectations

The truth is, however, that corporations continue to benefit from plastic production, no matter how much it affects the planet—which is why we posited the 50-year timeframe. It’s important to note, that plastic use has gone down substantially in the last decade, which is a very promising thought. So it really just comes down to exponential growth, and what that curve will look like in the coming years. Even if half the planet stops using plastic within ten years from now, we’d consider than a major accomplishment!