Why You Should Always Eat Vegetables With Fats

Healthy fats
Photo by Louis Hansel on Unsplash

For a long time, high-fat foods were given a bad rap. People assumed eating these foods would lead to health problems or undesired weight gain. While it is true that some fats, like animal grease, won’t do your arteries any favors, it’s perfectly safe to consume fat from sources like extra virgin olive oil in moderation. In fact, sometimes it can make other foods even healthier.

There are a few vitamins found in some fruits and vegetables—vitamins A, D, E, & K to be exact—that are what’s known as “fat-soluble.” This means that they are able to be dissolved in, well, fat. While fruits and veggies also often have other vitamins, like vitamin C, that don’t need fat to be able to be absorbed, adding your favorite cheese, nut butter, or a little olive oil is the best way to get the best bang for your nutritional buck. Here are a few of our favorite combos:


There are countless takes on this classic Italian recipe, but they all include some variation of tomato, basil, and mozzarella. Tomatoes contain lycopene which is an antioxidant that can improve heart health, and lycopene is fat-soluble. Put some tomatoes on skewers with mozzarella pieces and drizzle with a little salt, pepper, and olive oil for a delicious and healthy snack.

Sweet Potato and Tahini

Sweet potatoes are chock-full of vitamin A. Just 3.5 ounces of sweet potato provides the entire recommended daily value. Vitamin A is fat-soluble, so to get the most out of your sweet potatoes it’s ideal to combine the two. We love to roast sweet potatoes and then drizzle them with tahini, which is a paste made from sesame seeds. You can even add a little garlic to your tahini for extra flavor. This Recipe by Cooking for Peanuts combines them in a delicious salad.