Why You Should Add Lemon to Anything

Photo by eggbank on Unsplash

Lemon is one of those citrus fruits that you should always keep in your kitchen. It’s so key to seasoning different foods that you need it for almost every recipe, plus, you can squeeze it to make fresh lemonade at all times. But lemon doesn’t only go well with everything—it’s also incredibly healthy.

The Nutritional Value of Lemon

First and foremost, lemon is an amazing source of vitamin C. It provides over 60% of the daily recommended intake of vitamin C per 100g serving. Other than that, it also contains fiber, potassium, vitamin B6, and a huge amount of phytochemicals. Phytochemical compounds that are often found in citrus fruits and have different health benefits, possibly even protecting cells from cancer.

Ways to Combine Lemon into Your Daily Diet

There are many ways to make sure you consume lemons on a regular basis. From the more common ones like squeezing it and using it in your salad dressing or chicken to some tasty dessert options like lemon pudding, lemon tart or lemon puffs. Of course, if you’re a fan of the super-sour natural taste of lemon, you can also open your day with a fresh cup of lemon juice.