Why Sourdough Bread Is Healthier Than Regular Bread

Photo by Vicky Ng on Unsplash

Sourdough bread is one of the trendiest things in the world of baking, and for a pretty darn good reason. In addition to being exceptionally tasty, it’s also considerably healthier than commercial bread that you see in the supermarkets. This includes the likes of whole wheat supermarket bread, which tends to get to get masqueraded as the healthiest bread option—which it’s not. Here’s why sourdough bread is one of the healthiest breads you can eat.

Wild Yeast

Let’s talk for a moment about yeast. Throughout ancient history, people always allowed their bread to develop their own wild yeast cultures organically. However, this process is somewhat tedious and long, so when corporations came into the picture in recent centuries, something called artificial yeast was invented to speed up the bread-making process.

Unfortunately, although bread was now being made at a much quicker pace, it became much less healthy. This is true for all bread made with artificial yeast, regardless of what kind of rose-colored bow companies wanted to put on it.

Sourdough bread on the other hand, became a means to bring back the old school way of making bread without artificial yeast. Sourdough bakers sought to rectify what had been changed, and allowed natural yeast cultures to develop organically. These yeast cultures are what gives sourdough bread its unique sour taste, and it’s also much better for the digestive system.