Why it’s Time to Say Goodbye to Your Garlic Press

Photo by Heather Seymour on Unsplash

Many people view the garlic press as an essential if they favor garlic in their cooking. But the garlic press is not the most effective way to prepare fresh garlic. Here’s why:

It ruins the texture

When you use a garlic press, it reduces the fresh garlic to a mushy mixture. This mixture is swimming in a pool of garlic juice. The texture of the garlic has been lost.


It intensifies the flavor

When you put garlic in a garlic press, it releases more flavor, resulting in a more intense flavor.  Many people don’t like garlic because its flavor is too aggressive for their taste.

It catches fire

If you use a garlic press, the ultra-finely minced garlic tends to burn easily when heat is applied. There’s nothing worse than the taste and smell of burnt garlic.

A garlic press is just a garlic press

This is not a utensil that has multiple uses. As a result, it takes up storage space and doesn’t offer versatility.

It’s not a time-saver

Using a garlic press is time-consuming, especially if you plan to use more than one clove of garlic. It’s far quicker to peel the cloves and chop them all at once.