What’s the Difference Between Arabica and Robusta Coffee Beans?

Arabica and Robusta coffee beans
Photo by Anastasiia Chepinska on Unsplash

Did you know that there is not simply one type of coffee bean that all of us all around the world consume? There are, in fact, two varieties of bean which can produce noticeably different flavors and results when brewed with water. Let’s learn more about these two varieties, Arabica and Robusta, and find out which one you are probably drinking on a daily basis!


The most common and beloved variety of coffee beans falls under the umbrella of “Arabica.” This bean, which originated in Ethiopia, has developed into a wide variety of varieties which produce flavors ranging from chocolatey to berry-like to tobacco-like. Lower in caffeine and producing less crema than Robusta, this is the type most often used in filter coffee but is also a popular choice for espresso.


Robusta beans also hail from Africa but are now mostly grown in Southeast Asia. Smaller than Arabica beans but more rich in caffeine content, the strength of these beans is their ability to produce a rich crema layer when making espresso. However, it does have its downfalls, such as an “earthy” or “rubbery” taste which not all find pleasant.