What is the Best Way to Trim Asparagus?

How to trim your asparagus
Photo by Stephanie Studer on Unsplash

The season of asparagus is upon us, and if you still haven’t added this tasty veggie to your daily menu, now’s the time. The first step of preparing asparagus is trimming its edges, and there are two common methods that most people use, but which one is the best?

Bend and Snap

Asparagus’ pale lower ends are usually woody and tough, and that’s why it’s important to get rid of them. Many people do it by bending each stalk until it snaps, leaving you with fresh, green asparagus that you can use in countless delicious and healthy dishes.

When using this method, it’s important to break the stalk right where the green part starts fading to white. The tricky part about this method is that it can lead to unnecessary waste if you don’t properly break the stalks.

Cutting Method

The bend and snap method may be more satisfying, but if you don’t want any of your asparagus to go to waste, using a chef’s knife is your best bet. You won’t make as many mistakes this way, because you only have to line up your asparagus on the cutting board and trim the ends.