Veganuary is the Inspiration You Need to Go Vegan Easily

Photo by roam in color on Unsplash

Veganuary is an annual challenge that started in 2014 in the United Kingdom. This non-profit organization aims to educate and encourage people to embrace a vegan lifestyle. While we are not telling you to go vegan, we want to showcase three ways you can begin to include alternatives in your diet. 

Try Something New 

If you like a challenge, this may be right up your alley. Go to the supermarket, head to the vegetable stands, and look for the oddest or most obscure vegetable you can find. Once you get home is where the fun begins. Spend time online figuring out the best way to cook your latest challenge. 

Simple Swaps 

Whether you want to change to veganism or dabble in the idea, making small changes could be the best thing for you. The best place to start is to swap out your milk at coffee shops and in your home. From there, it’s much easier to add new changes every so often.

A Little Goes a Long Way

Whether making a lifestyle change or if you try it out for a week or so, any time you choose an alternative option, it helps the environment a considerable amount. No matter your commitment, Veganuray can help you achieve your goals with their starter kit and daily emails full of recipes and tips to help you along the way.