Use This Hack to Organize Your Pans

Photo by Heather Gill on Unsplash

There is nothing worse than going to cook something and having to brace for impact when you open the cabinet door. Unfortunately, most of our cabinets probably look pretty similar–like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. You never know when you open the door if everything will topple over and fall onto the floor, or worse, you! One of the worst culprits of the leaning mess is easily pans. They never stack quite right, which is why you need this hack!

The problem is that you’re trying to store them flat! What you need to do is store them vertically, so that you don’t need to lift a bunch of heavy pans to get to the one on the bottom. You might be asking how to keep them standing like that, and there is one simple solution. You just need to stop at your local office supply store!

Most office supply stores have some sort of folder organizer that has large sections (large enough to fit a sideways pan). Depending on how many pans you have, you might need to buy more than one. You can place these in your cabinets, line up your pans, and never fear the leaning tower of pans again! You can even use these to organize pot lids too!