Use These Tips to Make Perfectly Delicious Peanut Butter at Home

Photo by Irene Kredenets on Unsplash

Peanut butter is one of the easiest spreads to make at home since blending peanuts inside a food processor is basically all you have to do. Things look much easier on paper than they are in real life, but you can still get perfectly creamy and delicious peanut butter with these useful tips.

Be Patient

Blending peanuts isn’t as easy as blending your smoothie ingredients and it requires time. Unless you want your food processor to turn off midway through, you should take short breaks in between. In addition to avoiding burnout, they’ll allow you to scrape down the sides of the food processor before you keep going.

Extra Ingredients

Peanuts and salt are basically the only ingredients you need to make peanut butter, but you can add other things to the mix. Honey is often used to help the ingredients mix together more smoothly, and it’s a better option than maple syrup or similar thin sweeteners.

Avoid Liquids

Once you start blending your peanuts, you’ll notice they lack the creamy texture you’re aiming for. You’ll probably feel tempted to pour some water-based liquids inside, but it’s best to avoid them because peanuts are already rich in natural oils.